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The Shift in Language: Creating Intentional Community with those Experiencing Poverty

Fri 11 AM | Convo Hall 5
Sat 1 PM | Convo Hall 5

Randy Evans

The Shift in Language: Creating Intentional Community with those Experiencing Poverty Why does it matter what words we use? What’s wrong with saying, “homeless?” Why should I look deeper? Is self-satisfaction such a bad thing? Am I actually contributing to someone’s poverty? In the “Shift of Language,” we will see how the words we use affect the way we engage with individuals experiencing poverty. We will discuss how the language we use can cause harm through perpetuating the problem and victimizing the individuals we are trying to live life with or help. We will discuss ways to create intentional community with those in poverty, but also extend a hand to those who are not. This is a great opportunity to expand your reach while creating safe and sacred space for those who are marginalized.

Randy Evans

Walking Tall exists to build interpersonal relationships with individuals experiencing poverty through full access, so that they may experience community through safe, and sacred spaces for healing. They strive to bring awareness to the general public through an important, “shift” in the language used in regard to poverty, and charity. They accomplish their mission and vision through living out the ideas of Language, Mutuality, Abundance, Radical Hospitality, and Justice.

Randy Evans is the founder/director. He lives in Wilmington, NC with his wife Marya, Great-Nephew Jaxon, and two labs Zoe, and Izzy. He moved to Wilmington from Raleigh, NC in the Fall of 2013. He strives to create community with the most marginalized groups through giving full access and offering radical hospitality. He writes a monthly blog for Cape Fear Magazine. In addition to leading Walking Tall, he also enjoys Yoga, Nick Cave and The Bad Seeds, Diet Mountain Dew, and Haunted Houses. Follow him @walkingtallwilmington or at http://

56 The Shift In Language

Session #56